The Director of Internal Audit

The Director of Internal Audit shall be the Chief Audit Executive of the University. S/he shall superintend over all Directorate of Internal Audit staff. S/he shall ensure that the conduct of Internal Auditing activities are done in accordance with all relevant regulations.

Spending Officer

A Spending Officer is any officer having direct monetary or financial responsibilities connected with or arising from his/her official duties. Spending Officers may include the following: Provosts, Deans, Directors, Heads of Department and Centres, Hall Masters/Warden and any Officer who approves expenses.

Duties of Spending Officer

The following shall be the duties of a Spending Officer:

  1. Responsible for the College/Faculty/School/ Institute/Centre/ Department/Section/Unit Vote

Director of Finance

The Director of Finance is the Chief Finance Officer of the University and has general responsibility for the administration of the financial affairs of the University. He/she superintends over all staff of the Directorate of Finance. He/she is also responsible for ensuring that the accounts of the University are prepared in accordance with the Act establishing the University, the Statutes, Financial Administrative Act, and all other Regulations approved by the University.

The control and disposition of all University property, funds and investments are vested in the University Council under Section 10 (page 5) of the University of Cape Coast Law 1992, PNDC Law 278 which succeeded the University of Cape Coast Act, 1971, (Act 390) and also by Statute 14 of Statutes 2012 (page 18) which provide as follows:

It is a pleasure for me to provide a foreword to the revised Financial and Stores Regulations for the University. It is common knowledge that Public Universities in Ghana have challenges financing various programmes and activities. Given the complex nature of the University, and following financial decentralisation, these Regulations are expected to guide Spending Officers in particular and the staff of the University in general to ensure that financial
