The Department of Conservation Biology And Entomology in the University of Cape Coast is organizing a one week free training workshop for interested person invulture identification and monitoring techniques as part of its Indigenous Vulture Monitoring Project (IVMP).

Date:10th– 15th January, 2016

Venue: University of Cape Coast

Application Deadline: 31st December, 2015

Eligibility: Interested applicants should meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Be able to read and write
  2. Should have passion for animals and their conservation
  3. Should be available for the entire training period
  4. Should be willing to provide weekly/monthly update on vulture population
    in his/her area for 12 months with support from the IVMP secretariat.

Interested persons are to fill application Forms online here

OR  Cape FM, Radio Central, Department of Conservation Biology and Entomology, UCC (General Office)

For more information please contact the following:

Project Director: 0248700385; Secretary:0209885961 and

Tuition is FREE